Ouest-France Leads the Way in Proving Value for Auto Marketers

The Challenge
Limited Transparency in Proving Value to Advertisers
As part of the Additi Media group, the Ouestfrance-auto.com and zoomcar.fr brands are leaders in the auto industry in France. Their websites facilitate the sales from professional clients to online users shopping for a new vehicle.
Having a good experience during that customer shopping journey is critical, but it is equally important to the business model of Ouest-France and ZoomCar that they can clearly demonstrate the value of their platform to their clients on a regular basis. Given the size of the purchase, car buyers often want to speak with someone by phone prior to making their final decision, and since the advertisers on the Ouest-France and ZoomCar platforms pay for valid phone calls, providing timely and accurate data is essential.
The Solution
Dedicated Numbers, Analytics, and WebConnect
With attribution and clarity being some of the goals for the implementation of call tracking, the solutions applied were iovox Dedicated Numbers which, when combined with the analytics tools of the iovox platform, enabled the implementation of a ‘pay per lead’ solution.
Establish accurate, on-time call data with iovox Analytics
In addition to the iovox Dedicated Numbers, Ouest-France and ZoomCar have begun experimentation with another innovation from iovox called WebConnect. The WebConnect solution allows Ouest-France and ZoomCar to put call buttons strategically across their sites.
The Results
Clear Data Validates Billing. WebConnect Increases Data Gathering and Market Knowledge
Dedicated Call Tracking from iovox provides attribution on every call made which when combined with analytics, provides Ouest-France and ZoomCar with exactly the information they need to demonstrate the volume of traffic their platform is delivering for advertisers.
In addition, the WebConnect solution provides even more data on the calls being made, answering the question of knowing precisely which vehicle web visitors were looking at when they made the call, among many other positive data points.
Ouest-France and ZoomCar now have added visibility on the vehicles purchased, such as the average price, the most sought-after brand, the year of the most popular vehicles sold, and so on. This added transparency is extremely valuable to advertisers allowing even greater targeting, not to mention the value for Ouest-France and ZoomCar in understanding overall car buying trends.
“...the transparency and objectivity of the call data made it perfectly clear for our customers to understand the value we bring them. We’re happy to be partners with iovox and looking forward to expanding our use of the WebConnect features to other sectors of our business in the coming months.”
— Jerome Debray, Head of Project Ouestfrance-auto.com and Zoomcar.fr