How to track your iovox Number

All calls made to your iovox Number will appear in your call list in the Calls page. If you have multiple iovox Numbers you can add tags to identify them. For example, if you have one of the numbers on your website you could name your tag as “website”. Or if you have a number on your business cards, you could name it “business card”. Tags will be auto tagged to a call record so when you check your call list you will see where your iovox calls came from.

  1. To add a tag to an iovox Number, select an iovox Number from the Numbers page.

  2. The side panel would open, enter a tag name and select a color. Press enter on your keyboard or select the created tag to add it. You can add multiple tags to an iovox Number.

  3. When you have finished click on “Save tags” button to save it.

iovox, Android, iOS, Web, Numbers

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