Honda Increases Conversions & Customer Satisfaction With iovox

Our interview with Jean-Alexis Bidet, Marketing Department Manager - Car Division of Honda Motor Europe Ltd.
Tell us about Honda France and your role in the company.
“The Power of Dreams” is Honda’s slogan. These dreams inspire us to design innovative, attractive products that are accessible to as many people as possible. “The Power of Dreams” reflects our way of thinking and allows us to present ourselves as a unique builder.
“The benefits Honda has seen so far from using the iovox platform have been impressive; we’ve reduced lead recall time by more than 40% and increased lead conversion rate to sales by nearly 60%.”
— Jean-Alexis Bidet, Marketing Department Manager - Car Division
Honda Motor Europe Ltd.
The benefits Honda has seen so far from using the iovox platform have been impressive; we’ve reduced lead recall time by more than 40% and increased lead conversion rate to sales by nearly 60%.
Honda designs, develops, produces, distributes and sells automobiles, motorcycles, boat outboard engines, ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles), lawn mowers, tillers and generators, mainly in the world of mobility and equipment products. Not forgetting of course robotics with the humanoid robot ASIMO (Advanced Step for an Innovative Mobility) and the HondaJet aircraft.
Within the automotive division of the French branch, I am in charge of the design, planning and management of all marketing and communication activities related to the French distribution of the automotive range.
What challenges were you facing that let you to explore call tracking & what were your goals for such a program?
In the context of digitalization of the customer journey, the physical visit to the dealership arrives later and later in the purchasing process. The quality of the lead processing methods by our network is an essential step, a real link between the customer’s digital research and contact in the real world. As such, it is essential that the contact following a customer request, as a new opportunity is done quickly after submission to meet the expectations of prospective car buyers.
At the same time, the multiplication of requests for reports to share with our field teams represents a significant workload both for us internally and for our network on a daily basis.
The use of a call tracking solution both ensures a short call-back time, guaranteeing customer satisfaction and increased conversion, and reduces the workload of the sales force with a recall notification automatically recorded in our lead management systems.
What led you to choose iovox?
We chose iovox for a number of reasons, including, the quality and knowledge of the people we met, the strength of their references, the clarity of the commercial policy, and the diversity of their API and ability to link the iovox solution to the tools already used by Honda and our network.
How did the implementation go?
The implementation went very easily thanks to constructive exchanges between iovox and Honda in the implementation, planning, and execution, but also very effective communications directly between iovox and Honda’s existing suppliers.
What are some of the benefits you have gained from implementing iovox solutions?
The benefits Honda has seen so far from using the iovox platform have been impressive; we’ve reduced lead recall time by more than 40% and increased lead conversion rate to sales by nearly 60%. This means we’re responding faster to new opportunities and closing more new business thanks to the new platform from iovox.