Articles tagged with conversational intelligence:

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Marketing Intelligence Tools: 10 Features You Need to Know

June 11, 2024

Marketing intelligence tools enhance your company’s data collection, competitive analysis, and customer segmentation capabilities. Utilizing them is a crucial step to gaining an advantage …

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Conversational Intelligence Software: How to Get Started

March 12, 2024

Conversational intelligence software is essential for generating actionable insights on everything from customer preferences to employee compliance.From insurance to financial services, all …

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Lead Attribution: What It Is + How to Get Started in 2024

February 8, 2024

Lead attribution shows marketers what works and what doesn’t for getting leads. With this information, you can optimize marketing budgets, improve content and copy, and enhance targeting for…

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Lead Tracking: How It Works + How to Leverage It In 2024

December 21, 2023

Lead tracking can help you guide your prospect toward desired actions to make the most of your marketing efforts.But what is lead tracking exactly? How does it work?And more importantly, how …

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How to Use Conversation Intelligence to Close More Deals

December 20, 2023

Ever wondered how top-performing teams effortlessly decipher customer needs, identify winning patterns, and consistently close deals?That’s the magic of conversation intelligence in action…

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Car Insurance Marketing: 3 Trends + 9 Strategies

September 26, 2023

Car insurance marketing has gone beyond offering financial assistance solely for accidents.Modern consumers are now searching for customized solutions that match their specific driving behaviors…

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How to Increase Insurance Sales: Challenges + Solutions

August 8, 2023

Salespeople in the insurance industry face challenges like fierce pricing competition and a lack of trust in the industry (to name a few).But there's a way to solve this.For one, insurance …

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AI Marketing: How to Leverage it + Tools to Use

July 11, 2023

AI is seemingly everywhere now, so it’s no surprise that it’s now a fundamental part of most marketing stacks.AI marketing enables marketing teams to quickly make data-driven …

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5 Undisputable Call Recording Benefits + A Top Call Tracking Tool

May 16, 2023

Call recording benefits businesses with frequent customer, vendor, or partner calls.Besides recording and storing calls, robust call recording software can determine which marketing campaigns or…

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5 Best Call Transcription Software (Updated for 2024)

December 16, 2022

Call transcription software will let you record, transcribe, and store customer or conference call conversations on the fly.But which call transcription software should you use?There are a host …

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What is Call Transcription? (+5 Resourceful Benefits)

November 22, 2022

Remembering every detail of customer conversations is an impossible task, and sometimes you need access to past client interactions.That’s where call transcription comes in handy.…

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