How is Zoopla Using New iovox Technology on Their Websites?
real estate, call tracking, marketplaces, customer success, interview, speech analytics, call recording, transcription,
What do you do when your brand has 90% recognition, and your websites handle more than 70% of the market opportunity in your primary segment? Well, if your part of the Zoopla Property Group (ZPG), you innovate. Innovation is precisely what this market leading property portal is doing with new technology solutions from call tracking leader, iovox.
Zoopla, A Powerful Property Website Founded in the UK
ZPG was founded in 2007 and today has more than 55 million web visits per month. ZPG owns and operates some of the UK’s most trusted digital brands that help empower smarter property and household decisions including Zoopla, uSwitch, Money, PrimeLocation and SmartNewHomes.
Recently, Tim Barker, Commercial Operations Director for ZPG and Cecilia West, Head of Account Management for iovox, were interviewed by Simon Baker, Executive Chairman of Online Marketplaces to discuss how ZPG continues to add value to their offerings through the use of new call tracking solutions.

Tim Barker, Zoopla
Featured Companies
One of the UK’s leading and most recognized consumer brands. Properties focused.
Global call tracking and speech analytics provider with offices in London, Paris, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Sydney.
Online media source for industry news in property, jobs, and auto marketplaces. Organizer of global Property Portal Watch conferences.
How Zoopla Improved Results in No Time
Zoopla is in the business of matching estate agents with those wanting to buy, sell, or rent property. Potential buyers can use either the Zoopla mobile app or the website to identify a property of interest. If the potential buyer wants to explore further, they can click a button and place a call to the estate agent for more information. Using the iovox call tracking solution, the metadata from those calls shows how many calls were placed, whether they were answered or missed, what time they occurred and a number of data points that may be useful to the agent. Zoopla can then review with their customers how many leads the Zoopla platform is sending agents. According to Barker, “iovox helps us prove value to our customers.”
Integrated through the iovox API, traditional call tracking elements like how many leads are generated, are an important part of the unique selling proposition between Zoopla and its clients. But there are new frontiers to explore with call data and Zoopla is paving the way with its mindset for innovation.
Zoopla’s Unique Plan to Improve in Three Main Areas
Zoopla’s next big push with call tracking innovations are in three specific areas:
- Improve lead attribution
- Conduct lead scoring
- Provide feedback to clients about how they’re handling incoming leads
In the 13-minute interview, Barker provides an excellent illustration of each of these efforts and how they work together to create a more compelling offering by Zoopla, and more value for their customers.
Let’s take a look at each objective Zoopla is tackling with the help of iovox.
Improve Lead Attribution
With 50% of its leads coming through the telephone, it is critical to know as much as possible about the nature of the caller’s interest. Improving lead attribution is knowing more than just what platform the call came from (web vs. mobile) but is the caller a buyer or a seller, and if a buyer, what specific property might that person have an interest in? Iovox has the solution.
Conduct Lead Scoring
Prioritization and customizing a response is always a challenge. If you are in the business of selling or renting properties, it’s ideal to know whether the person you’re speaking to is only window shopping and has no plans to buy or rent anything in the next 6 months, or, whether the person calling intends to buy in the next 6 days once they find the right property. Iovox has the solution.
Feedback on Lead Handling
Zoopla calls it “Mystery Shopping”. Today on a very small fraction of calls, Zoopla listens to the recordings to provide feedback to the agents management teams on topics such as: whether the agents represented the brand well, did they collect the basic details and find out where the prospect is in their journey, whether the proper advice was given based on what was learned during the call, and so on. This feedback is invaluable. The problem is Zoopla has millions of phone leads each month and manually listening to them at scale is not feasible. The only way to dramatically increase the sample size of Mystery Shopping calls is through a scalable technical solution. Iovox has the solution.
Get Better Results With Powerful Lead Attribution from iovox
According to West, the first new iovox feature to be utilized by Zoopla to address lead attribution is iovox WebConnect, a WebRTC based product that allows browser-based calling by adding a call button to a website without the need for a phone number. Importantly in Zoopla’s case, in addition to the traditional call tracking metrics such as length of call, other valuable data points such as the specific property the person was viewing when they called, which agent is associated with the property, what ad may have triggered the interest in the property in the first place are also shared through WebConnect with Zoopla.
The new WebConnect offering is powerful for businesses of all types and sizes. Visitors simply click or tap the customizable call button on your website and the call connects through their browser on their mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Using HTML5, there’s nothing to download or install for someone to make a call using iovox WebConnect.
Additional features used by Zoopla to address lead scoring include a Dynamic Number functionality where a telephone number is displayed to a user following a Click to Call ‘agent’ and becomes associated to their user session. Why does this matter? Real estate is a highly considered purchase, meaning that before someone buys, they will almost always place a phone call to learn more. The act of “clicking” to reveal a number creates the link between the telephone number and the user’s web session, giving Zoopla valuable information about their property search and the listing that generated the call. Similarly to iovox WebConnect, there are multiple web-based data points that can be combined with the core call data to create a more comprehensive picture of the quality of the lead generated by Zoopla for the agent in question. This makes the Dynamic Number solution a key component in Zoopla’s approach to lead attribution and lead scoring.
Lastly, the new iovox Insights solution, which is a combination of call recording, transcription and speech analytics, is the answer for Zoopla’s objectives around cost-effective Mystery Shopping at scale. Using unique algorithms and artificial intelligence, iovox Insights is able to detect predefined keywords which serve as signposts in a conversation and provide Zoopla with answers to its Mystery Shopper questions about whether the brand was well represented, whether the appropriate information was captured by the agent during the call, among many other aspects of the conversation. Each of these attributes of the call become actionable feedback that Zoopla can share with its clients in reviewing how to make the most of the leads being generated through the Zoopla platform.
Connect With Us Today, We’d Love to Help
Whether your business has millions of unique website visitors per month like Zoopla, or you’re just starting out, iovox call tracking and features like the new WebConnect service, are an ideal way to capture new leads and learn more about who’s interested in your business. Available for customers of all sizes.
To learn more and see the full interview with Simon, Tim, and Cecilia please be sure to watch the video above or send us an email at or give us a call toll-free from within the US at +1 888 369 9519.
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