This functionality uses a new REST endpoint

To access the features references on this page please ensure that you are using the REST endpoints defined on this page


Dynamic Rotating Numbers enable you to allocate numbers on demand, and dynamically forward them to a destination phone provided in real-time. Numbers are pulled from a pool, and you may configure multiple number pools for different scenarios such areas, lead type, web-pages, etc. Dynamic number insertion via our JavaScript snippet is used to display the numbers in these pools on your website, once the pools are configured check the JavaScript documentation on how to use this snippet to insert numbers into your web pages.

Using the API endpoints below you can manage the pools and the numbers allocated to these pools.

REST endpoints

The number pools functionality is part of our new platform and as such uses different REST endpoints to our enterprise API, all functionality described on this page can only be access via the endpoints described below.  You may be required to integrate with both our traditional enterprise API and the new REST API, for example purchasing numbers is on the traditional API, while assigning those purchased numbers to a pool is done via the new REST API.

While developing your integration please ensure that you use Sandbox, this environment will incur no additional costs and setup specifically to allow customers a playground to test out their integration before going live.

Environment Endpoint


The method of authentication remains the same and is common across both API endpoints, below is an example cURL request to create a pool with only the authentication headers, these same headers must be present on all requests to this endpoint.

NOTE: The authentication is not the same as what is used for the JavaScript API (accessKey), these are different to ensure full API is not part of the JavaScript snippet.  This API uses the secureKey.

curl -L -X POST '' -H 'username: CUSTOMER\_USERNAME' -H 'secureKey: API\_SECURE\_KEY'


All requests and responses are in JSON, when performing a POST or PUT request the request body must be valid JSON.  When performing a POST/PUT request it is possible for the REST endpoint not to return a response and the HTTP response code must be used to ensure that the request was successful.

This documentation will show the request body and the responses to each endpoint, but won't include the whole request including headers for compactness, below is a full example of a cURL requests that might be used.

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'username: CUSTOMER\_USERNAME' \
-H 'secureKey: API\_SECURE\_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"pool_id": "1234", "site_url": "", "template_name": "Call Me", "numbers": ["14240000000", "14240000001", "14240000003"]}'

Validation errors

In the event that a request contains invalid or required fields are missing or in the wrong format, a response will be generated that contains the list of errors similar to the one below.

  "errors": [
    "template_name needs to be an existing call template",
    "numbers needs to be an array of numbers that already exist in your account and be unassigned"


This is a list of all paths and methods that are available to manage number pools

Path Verb Description
/rest/v1/numbers/pool POST Create a new number pool
/rest/v1/numbers/pool/{pool_id} GET Return the details of the specified pool and all numbers assigned to the pool
/rest/v1/numbers/pool/{pool_id} DELETE Deletes a number pool and unassigns all numbers
/rest/v1/numbers/pool/assign/{pool_id} PUT Adds one or more numbers to an existing pool
/rest/v1/numbers/pool/assign/{pool_id} DELETE Removes one or more numbers from an existing pool


Pool fields

When creating or updating pools the following fields are available.

Field Required Default Example Description
pool_id Yes (N/A) 1234 pool_id is an alpha numeric field that uniquely identifies the pool within your account, must be unique and can't exceed 255 characters in length
template_name Yes (N/A) Call Liverpool Office template_name must match a call flow template that already exists in your account, these can be create via the web interface or traditional API, this cannot exceed 64 characters
site_url Yes (N/A) site_url allows mapping of pools to specific sites, but be a FQDN and can not exceed 500 characters
dial_string No (blank) 4420 dial_string allows the pool to be selected to replace numbers to particular destination and is used to perform a longest match, can not exceed 15 characters
pool_empty_action No CONTINUE CONTINUE pool_empty_action is used to work out what should happen when the pool has run out of numbers and no numbers have expired, must be one of the following:
CONTINUE (default) - Continue allocating numbers from the oldest assignment, even if the oldest number is still within its configured lifecycle
ERROR - A message will be returned to the browser script indicating the pool was depleted, and the number will no longer be replaced on the web page
WARN - The same behavior as CONTINUE, except a warning email will be sent to the email address associated with the pool, provided in the alert_email field
lifetime_minutes No 10080 4320 lifetime_minutes is how long after a number has been shown (in minutes) before it is expired and can be used again. This value must be between 1 and 5259600 (10 years), the default is 10080 which is 7 days
numbers Yes (N/A) [ "14240000000", "14240000001"] A JSON array of phone numbers in E164 format (without the leading +) that you wish to assign to the pool. All numbers must already be in your account, not assigned to any other pools and not assigned to any nodes or links.
Can be an empty array if you do not wish to add numbers at create time
link_id No (blank) liverpool_main Associates the specified link to this pool using its Link ID as defined via the API or the web portal
alert_email No (blank) Associates an email address with the pool to receive warnings or alerts about the status of the pool. For example, if pool_empty_action is set to WARN, this address will receive an email when the pool is depleted

Create a number pool

Before numbers can be assigned to a pool, first you need to create it.  This is simply a matter performing a POST to /rest/v1/numbers/pool, you can optionally specify the numbers to assign to the pool at create time or you can assign them later using the assign endpoint below.  If you wish to assign numbers at pool creation, you need to ensure that you have purchased the numbers already, not assigned to another pool and not assigned to a node or link.

POST /rest/v1/numbers/pool
  "pool_id": "abc123",
  "site_url": "",
  "template_name": "Call Liverpool Office",
  "dial_string": "4420",
  "link_id": "liverpool_main",
  "numbers": [

If the pool is successfully created the endpoint will return a HTTP 201 response.

Retrieve pool details

Once a pool has been configured you can use  GET request to retrieve the pool details by looking it up by its pool_id.

GET /rest/v1/numbers/pool/abc123

The response will include all fields including the default values if applicable.

  "pool_id": "abc123",
  "site_url": "",
  "dial_string": "4420",
  "pool_empty_action": "CONTINUE",
  "lifetime_minutes": 10080,
  "template_name": "Call Liverpool Office",
  "link_id": "liverpool_main",
  "link_name": "Liverpool main office number",
  "numbers": [

Retrieve all pools

Once at least one pool has been configured you can use  GET request to retrieve all pools details

GET /rest/v1/numbers/pool

The response will include all fields of retreive pool details for all available pools.

  "pool_id": "abc123",
  "site_url": "",
  "dial_string": "4420",
  "pool_empty_action": "CONTINUE",
  "lifetime_minutes": 10080,
  "template_name": "Call Liverpool Office",
  "link_id": "liverpool_main",
  "link_name": "Liverpool main office number",
  "numbers": [
  "pool_id": "test123",
  "site_url": "",
  "dial_string": "4430",
  "pool_empty_action": "CONTINUE",
  "lifetime_minutes": 10080,
  "template_name": "Call Manchester Office",
  "link_id": "manchester_main",
  "link_name": "Liverpool main office number",
  "numbers": [

Updating pool details

Updating the settings on a pool is very similar to creating a pool, except using a PUT request.  You can change all details of the pool including the pool_id

Note: You cannot change the numbers assigned to a pool in an update, you must use the number assign/remove methods below.

PUT /rest/v1/numbers/pool/abc123
  "pool_id": "hiumnovegwcrmnhiou",
  "site_url": "",
  "template_name": "Call Me Maybe",
  "dial_string": 4401092,
  "link_id": "manchester_main"

If the pool is successfully updated the endpoint will return a HTTP 204 response.

Deleting a pool

When a pool is deleted the numbers remain in your account and are available to be reassigned or used on any of our products.  If you no longer wish to be charged for these numbers you will need to either delete the numbers via the web portal or via the traditional API.

DELETE /rest/v1/numbers/pool/hiumnovegwcrmnhio
When a pool is successfully deleted a HTTP 204 response is returned.

Number management

Once a pool has been created numbers can be added and removed as required.  When adding numbers the numbers need to already be in your account, not assigned to another pool and not assigned to a node/link.

Note: When numbers are removed from a pool they remain in your account and are available to be reassigned or used on any of our products.  If you no longer wish to be charged for these numbers you will need to either delete the numbers via the web portal or via the traditional API.

Assign number(s) to pool

To add numbers to a pool simply pass a JSON array of numbers you wish to add to the pool.

PUT /rest/v1/numbers/pool/assign/abc123

If the numbers are successfully added to the pool the endpoint will return a HTTP 204 response.

Delete number(s) from pool

To remove numbers from a pool simply pass a JSON array of numbers you wish to remove.

DELETE /rest/v1/numbers/pool/assign/abc123

If the numbers have been successfully removed from the pool the endpoint will return a HTTP 204 response.