
Request Method: GET

Description: Retrieves details of an account credit


Extra Header parameter:

HTTP_SUBACCOUNTNAME: name of the sub account (Not Mandatory) The action will be made in the name of the sub account. The main API account should be a parent of the sub account.

The following parameters can be sent in the querystring

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
vAPI version to use INTEGERYES
outputSpecifying XML or JSON returns data in XML or JSON formatXMLSTRINGNO


Error Result

HTTP CodeError StringResolution
400API Version EmptyAdd a value for the v parameter in the query string
400API Version InvalidCorrect v parameter
400Request Method must be GET. x attemptedSwitch request method x to GET
400Output Type InvalidCorrect output parameter
500Internal Server ErrorRetry later

Success Result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <last_credit_replenish_date>2015-03-23 15:19:58</last_credit_replenish_date>