Internal Variables

The internal variables are the variables you can get the values from in the moment the call is being made. So we can check information of the instance of the call. These values are being used in the httpRequest and evaluate CallFlow Rules.

Internal Variables Available

Here you have the list of internal variables which can be used. 

Variable name Value description
$_nodeName The name of the Node when the call is in process
$_nodeId The identifier of the Node when the call is in process
$_nodeType The type of the Node when the call is in process
$_linkName The name of the Link when the call is in process
$_linkType The type of the Link when the call is in process
$_linkId The identifier of the Link when the call is in process
$_callOrigin This is phone number of the caller who initiate the call, this will be in a international (e164) format
$_callerLocation The Location of the Caller Origin who initiate the call
$_partnerName The Partners Account Name which the call belongs to
$_voxnumber The VoxNumber called (if applicable) when the call is in process
$_voxnumberType The VoxNumber type (if applicable) when the call is in process
$_voxnumberCity The VoxNumber city (if applicable) when the call is in process
$_voxnumberCountry The VoxNumber country (if applicable) when the call is in process
$_callDestination The Destination phone number when the call is fowarded to a Contact. This information will be after the call
$_callStart The Time Stamp when the Caller is initiating a call in our system
$_hasRecording 1 if the call was recorded, 0 if the call wasn't recorded
$_lastRuleLabel The label of the last Rule that was executed in the call flow
$_callResult The result of the call.
$_callDestination This is phone number of the called who received the call, this will be in a international (e164) format
$_billSec This is the amount of seconds the caller and called were able to talk to each other